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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What is tyndalization

When any material which is pron to be attacked by microorganism is heated for sterilisation, say for 121 degree for 30 minutes , some time it was found that on storage such material again shows microbial growth.
It is the indication that the material might have got sterilised but in storage in favorable condition bacterial spores which are resistant to temperature at which material was sterilised germinate again and give rise to viable microorganisms again.
To counter act this phenomenon , a process was degined where in material is subjected for sterilisation process at 100 deg Celsius for 15 minutes .
Then it is stored for one day , again it is subjected for heating at 100 deg Celsius.
Material is again heated treated till it is boiled normally at 100 deg for 15 minutes.
This process in first day allows spoors to germinate in favourable condition and again material is heated , this step is repeated for two times.
This process is usually used for food processing. pharma .blogspot.com
This process is called as tyndallization after the scientists name John Tyndall who invented the process.

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