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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a very important factor while choosing an antibiotic against a particular phatogen or disease causing microorganism. After a prolonged or indiscriminate use of an antibiotic microorganism develop mutation in their genetic constitution which make them resistant against toxic action of an antibiotic , there are several mechanisms responsible for acquiring antibiotic resistance in microorganisms like bacteria’s , fungi , viruses etc, it is also termed as drug resitance as antibiotics are used as drugs in treatment of infections. pharmaguideline.
There for a proper antibiotic drug resistance mapping or assay is required to be carried out befor starting a therapy with antibiotics, there is likelihood that after use of an antibiotic over a period of time for treatment or due to cross contamination , it may lead to development of resistance against other antibiotics , such antibiotic resistance developed is called as cross resistance , usually cross resistance occur in same class of antibiotics like betalactum cross resistance will show resistance for other betalactum antibiotic, there for there is special requirements for manufacturing of penicillin group of antibiotics in pharmaceutical companies pharma .blogspot.com

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