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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What is role of vitamins in the growth of ju,am body and micro organisms

Vitamins , are biochemicals , which are very important nutrients for promoting growth of any microorganisms and human. Vital amins is the meaning in the name vitamins which means the one which very important.
Here is some important vitamins for human as well as for microbial growth.
Vitamin A it is also known as Ratinol , it is important for human being , retina of human eye require this vitamin to for its growth and its function, pharmaguideline.
Tiamine is a very important vitamin , they are required in the bio synthesis of DNA and RNA bases , hence this is important vitamin
Vitamin C ascorbic acid, is important in immunity regulation , it boosts immunity in humans .
Vitamin D ,is responsible for good growth of bone.
Vitamin E
Vitamin k
Vitamin B12 is responsible for many biochemical reactions in proteins and enzyme synthesis , therefore it is also very important for microorganisms for their growth.
Folic acid, it is important vitamin it has great role in growth as many proteins and cellular enzyme synthesis depends on its availability. pharmaguideline.
Vitamin B3 niacin is important for humans microorganisms for their growth
All vitamins are available in food items, some times due to certain gastric surgeries intake of these vitamins from gut is reduced or if there is some infection in gut the absorption of these vitamins is hindered from gut , in such condition vitamin supplements are give in the form of injection or tablets or in the form of pharmaceutical dosage form ( pharma .blogspot.com , preparations

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